Baby Moses Sunday School Lesson

Baby Moses Sunday School Lesson for Kids:
God loves us and protects us in ways we may never see.
Kids will understand that God has watched over them since long before they were born.
Exodus 2:1-10. Moses is saved from death as a baby.
“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” - Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)
God has a plan for our lives. He knew us before we were even born, and he has protected us all our lives.
Dear God,
Thank you for your awesome love. Thank you for the ways you look out for us and protect us. Show us the plans you have for our lives, and keep your loving hand on us always.
In Jesus' name,
“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” - Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)
“‘I know the plans I have for you,’ announces the Lord. ‘I want you to enjoy success. I do not plan to harm you. I will give you hope for the years to come.’” - Jeremiah 29:11 (NIrV)
Put the verse on the big screen and read it aloud with the kids.
Ask the kids what they think the writer was trying to say when he wrote these words. Then ask them how this verse is connected to today’s story.
Angel costumes
1M, 1F
Cliff and Janine - Guardian angels
Cliff and Janine are in a hospital hall, looking through the window at the newborn babies in the nursery.
CLIFF: Look at 'em. Look at all those newborn babies. Aren't they adorable?
JANINE: They look at little squished.
CLIFF: What do you expect? They've been cramped up in a tiny womb for the last nine months.
JANINE: Will they stretch out?
CLIFF: Are you kidding? A year from now, every one of them will be eating solid food, learning to walk and talk, and growing like a weed.
JANINE: Hey. (bangs on the glass) Hey, you, look at me!
CLIFF: Hey, hey, easy. Let the kids rest.
JANINE: How come none of them wanna look at me?
CLIFF: They're still getting used to the light. It's not exactly Miami Beach inside their mommies’ tummies.
JANINE: Maybe God oughta put windows in their mommies’ tummies.
CLIFF: That's a silly idea.
JANINE: You don't think these kids would like a womb with a view?
CLIFF: Ha ha ha.
JANINE: Boy, there sure are a lot of them.
CLIFF: This is nothing. There are hundreds of nurseries all over the world. Thousands and thousands of kids born every day.
JANINE: And God knows every one of them?
CLIFF: He made them all.
JANINE: Even that guy with the big nose?
CLIFF: Hey, leave Preston Marshall alone. He'll grow into that schnozz.
JANINE: He's gonna have to do a lot of growing to fit that schnozz.
CLIFF: He'll get there. All it takes is time, love, and a little heavenly care.
JANINE: And that's our job?
CLIFF: That's right. God has a special plan for every one of these children. He knew them before they were born, and he will keep watch over them every day of their lives. God is always looking out for these little ones the same way he looked after baby Moses.
JANINE: He is?
CLIFF: I should know. I was there.
JANINE: You were not.
CLIFF: I was too.
JANINE: If every angel who says he was at the Nile River when Moses was a baby was really at the Nile River, there would have been no room to put the kid in the river!
CLIFF: I'm telling you, I was there. I hear Miriam's silent prayers as she kept vigil. I saw her try to quiet her jabbering brother. I saw the Lord touch the heart of that princess when she laid eyes on that baby. It was a miracle that saved Moses. God does a million more every day, keeping these little ones safe from harm.
JANINE: Wow. That's a lot of baby watching.
CLIFF: And most of the time, no one even knows they're being watched. But every now and then, God tips his hat, just to remind them that somebody up there loves them.
JANINE: So what do we do?
CLIFF: We stand and watch.
JANINE: That's it?
CLIFF: That's everything. These little ones are the future. It's our job to get them there.
JANINE: I sure hope we don't let him down.
CLIFF: Trust me, partner, nothing's gonna get to these kids without God knowing it. He loves his children, and he would do anything to protect them.
JANINE: Would he die for them?
CLIFF: He did once.
JANINE: Oh yeah!
Plastic electric outlet safety plugs
From the moment you were born, your parents had one important goal – to keep you alive! Human babies are among the most helpless on Earth when they are born. Unlike most animal babies, we can't stand, walk, eat, or anything else when we are newborn. That's why God gave us moms and dads to hold us, feed us, clean us, and nurture us. He gave us parents to keep us safe so we would grow and live long enough to learn to stand, walk, feed ourselves.
As you grew into a child, your parents took even greater steps to protect you. Once you became mobile, you became a threat to hurt yourself. That's where these little doo-dads come in handy.
Show the kids the electric plugs.
Any of you still have these in the electrical outlets in your home? You probably didn't notice when they went in, and you may not have ever known they were there. But these safety plugs are just one of the many unseen ways your parents took steps to keep you safe.
Parents do all kinds of things to keep us safe and healthy, things you probably never think about. Safety plugs, safety door knobs, safety latches on kitchen drawers and cabinets, and so on. Most kids never notice and never think anything of them, but they are there, keeping you safe from harm.
There's someone else who has been looking out for you too, even before you were born. Just as God was with Moses when his family hid him from the Egyptians, he has been by your side since the day he placed you in your mother's womb. God has big plans for you, and he wants you to grow up and discover those plans. More than that, God loves you, and as much as your parents take pride in you, God takes even more pleasure watching you grow.
Let's thank God for the many ways he watches over us, and ask that he will continue to protect us as we grow in body and spirit.
Two baby dolls with baby diapers
Extra doll diapers
Baby powder
Choose two boys to play this game. This is a simple race competition in which the two boys will race to see who can change the diaper on a baby doll fastest. Make sure they use baby powder on the baby's bottom before putting the new diaper on!
A gross variation for older kids would be to put a dab of chocolate pudding in the diaper.
A less gross (but still a little gross) variant would be to make the loser eat some baby food. Strained peas are always a delight for the audience, but not the eater!
God loves us and protects us in ways we may never see.
Kids will understand that God has watched over them since long before they were born.
Exodus 2:1-10. Moses is saved from death as a baby.
How many of you have seen a movie with a great car chase? Car chases have been a part of movies before movies even had sound. They're exciting, suspenseful, and sometimes funny. In car chases we see people dangling out of cars, cars driving on two wheels, cars jumping bridges, and all kinds of things we'd never ever do with a car in real life.
What we don't see when we watch these movies are all the wires, special effect rigs, and safety equipment that make those chases possible. The stunts we see in car chases are dangerous, and anyone who tried to do such stunts would be putting himself in danger. The people who make those movies go to great lengths to make sure the stunt men and women who film those scenes not only complete their stunts, but walk away from them alive.
The unseen hands of the stunt crew are a good reminder that there's an unseen hand watching out for you, too. That hand has been by your side since before you were born. It knew you in your mother's womb, and even before your parents knew there would be a you! I'm talking about God, who loves you more than anyone else in this whole, wide world!
Today we're starting a series called God Loves You, and we're launching that story from the very beginning. In the book of Jeremiah, God tells his servant Jeremiah:
READ Jeremiah 29:11
God has a plan for every one of us, and he's been taking care of us since before day one. There's a story in the book of Exodus that shows us just how far God will go to protect us, even when we're too small to protect ourselves.
READ Exodus 2:1-4
Our story takes place at a very dangerous time. The Israelites were slaves in Egypt and, per Egyptian law, any male child born to an Israelite was to be killed. One brave family dared to defy the Egyptians in order to protect their son. They kept him hidden as long as they could, but when he got too big and noisy to hide, they made a leap of faith, trusting God would protect him.
READ Exodus 2:5-10
What are the odds the Pharaoh’s daughter would find the baby? What are the chances it would be her and not some soldiers who would have killed him? And what is the likelihood that princess would fall so in love with the baby that she'd defy her own father's law and raise the child for her own? There's only one explanation: God was looking out for that baby!
The princess named the baby Moses. He grew up in the palace, living a life of privilege, but as an adult, he would sympathize with his true people. One day Moses would be the man to stand up to Pharaoh, his own adopted brother, and demand that he let God's people go free. Moses would lead the Israelites to the Promised Land. He would meet with God face to face and receive the Ten Commandments. It is even believed Moses wrote most of the first five books of the Bible.
None of that would have happened if Moses had been found and killed as a baby. God had a plan for Moses, and no power on Earth would stop God from fulfilling his plan. That same loving God has watched over you all your life. You are here for a reason, and God has kept you safe so that you, too, can find God's plan for your life.
We don't often think about the many things that could go wrong in a day. We don't worry about accidents happening, or getting sick, or getting hurt. We don't like to think about those things because they're not pleasant thoughts. The good news is God is concerned with our well being every day. When we are healthy, he is there. When we are sick, he is there. When we are in danger and have no idea how much danger we are in, God knows.
God loves you. He wants you to know Him, and to know his Son. God has a plan for your life, a plan that will shine his light to others. If you're willing to accept that call and obey God's direction, he will watch over you every step of the way so that his plan is completed.
God knew all of us before we were born. He has watched over you since birth, just as he did Moses. Let's thank God for his awesome love and protection and ask him to reveal his plan for our lives, just as he did with Moses.
Dear God,
Thank you for your awesome love. Thank you for the ways you look out for us and protect us. Show us the plans you have for our lives, and keep your loving hand on us always.
In Jesus' name,
What were some of the rules your mom and dad had when you were a baby to keep you safe?
Jeremiah 29:11
Ask the kids what they think the writer was trying to say when he wrote these words. Then ask them how this verse is connected to today’s story.
Break the kids into two groups. Have one group make up a short skit about Moses' family deciding how to hide Moses. Have the second group create a skit about the princess finding Moses in the water.
Read Exodus 2:1-4
Why did the family in this story have to hide their baby boy?
How did they decide to hide the baby?
Read Exodus 2:5-10
Who found the baby?
What did the princess decide to do?
How did God protect Moses from the Egyptians?
Dear God,
Thank you for your awesome love. Thank you for the ways you look out for us and protect us. Show us the plans you have for our lives, and keep your loving hand on us always.
In Jesus' name,
What were some of the rules your mom and dad had when you were a baby to keep you safe?
Jeremiah 29:11
Ask the kids what they think the writer was trying to say when he wrote these words. Then ask them how this verse is connected to today’s story.
Break the kids into two groups. Have one group make up a short skit about Moses' family deciding how to hide Moses. Have the second group create a skit about the princess finding Moses in the water.
Read Exodus 2:1-10
Why did the family in this story have to hide their baby son?
How did they hide the baby?
What did Pharaoh's daughter decide to do with the baby?
How did God protect Moses?
Read Jeremiah 29:11
What does this verse tell us about God's plans for us?
What are some ways God protects us that we never see?
Dear God,
Thank you for your awesome love. Thank you for the ways you look out for us and protect us. Show us the plans you have for our lives, and keep your loving hand on us always.
In Jesus' name,
For your convenience, you can also download the entire PDF version of this Baby Moses Children's Ministry Lesson (just click the link).
Here's a video from Saddleback kids that you might find helpful to go along with your Sunday School Lesson on Baby Moses.
Take a look at the links below for other ideas for teaching a Baby Moses Sunday School Lesson:
Sunday School Lessons For Children - The Life Of Moses
Baby Moses and the River (Bible Lesson for Kids) - Ministry-To-Children
God Saves Baby Moses (Exodus 1-2:10) Sunday School Lesson
Baby Moses by the River - Sermons4Kids