How to connect public schools with Children's Ministry?
We asked our 17,000+ member Children's Pastors Only Facebook group what the best way to connect Public Schools with a Children's Ministry. We've listed the top results for you below:
There are so many kids in our public schools who do not know Jesus. We know it is every Children's Pastor's goal to have their classrooms and worship rooms filled with tons of new kids every week. But the question remains, "how do I make this happen?" We put together a list of 9 great ways to connect with public schools in your area.
1. Do outreach projects with the school - such as giving trees or backpack outreaches
2. Put fliers in the office
3. Have a booth at a carnival or other school events
4. Hold a club at the school
5. Have lunch with the kids once a week
6. Have an after-school program at the school after hours
7. We aren't allowed to partner with a school in our area
8. Hold Community Events at the School
9. We hold services in a school and partner with the teachers whose rooms we share
Here's a snapshot of the actual poll results. Scroll down below the image to find some helpful links.