Job Sunday School Lesson

Job Sunday School Lesson for Kids:
We can have joy even when we are hurt.
Kids will learn they can have joy when they are hurting or sick.
Job 1:13-22. The story of Job.
“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!” - Philippians 4:4
No one likes to be in pain. No one likes being sick. And no one likes being hurt. But no matter how bad things get, there is one thing this world can’t take from us - the joy we receive from knowing God!
Dear God,
Thank you for loving us and for being there in bad times. Be near us when we are hurt, and give us joy in those tough times.
In Jesus’s name,
“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!” - Philippians 4:4 (NIV)
“Always be joyful because you belong to the Lord. I will say it again. Be joyful.” - Philippians 4:4 (NIrV)
Put the verse on the big screen and read it aloud with the kids.
Ask the kids what they think the writer was trying to say when he wrote these words. Then ask them how this verse is connected to today’s story.
A chair (the dentist’s chair), an “oxygen mask”, other dental office furniture and tools
Kim- A patient in pain
Dr. Joy- A joyful dentist
The Announcer
Kim enters, walks to the chair at center.
KIM: Owww! I’m in so much pain! My tooth… the pain! Doc, please, please you gotta help me!
Dr. Joy enters.
JOY: Oh, no! Not a toothache! Not on such a beautiful sunshine day!
ANNOUNCER: And now, it’s time for another edition of… the Joyful Dentist!
JOY: Just look at that sunshine! Are you seeing that sunshine?
KIM: Owwwww!
JOY: Oh my! You sound like you are in pain!
KIM: I am in pain! My tooth hurts so bad.
JOY: Your tooth hurts, huh? Let me have a look.
Kim opens her mouth. Dr. Joy looks inside.
JOY: Hmmm. I wonder, is it this one? (presses a tooth) Or this one?
Dr. Joy presses another tooth. Kim screams open-mouthed and kicks her feet.
JOY: I think we have a winner!
KIM: It hurts so bad.
JOY: Yes, well, as black and gummy as it is, I am not surprised.
KIM: I’ve never felt so much pain. This is the worst day ever.
JOY: Come, come now, it’s not all that bad.
KIM: Yes it is.
JOY: No way, not with that glorious sunshine God has given us! I mean did you see that sunshine?
KIM: It is pretty nice.
JOY: You bet it is. And I bet if you think about it, God gave you a few more things to be joyful for, hmm?
KIM: Well, my Dad took the day off to bring me here.
JOY: How nice!
KIM: And he’s taking me for ice cream later.
JOY: He is not! Not after I’m through with you.
KIM: What??
JOY: I’m just kidding!
KIM: Oh thank goodness.
JOY: No, thank God, because even in the midst of our worst pain, God gives us joy.
KIM: Thank you, doctor. I feel better already.
JOY: You’re welcome, you’re welcome. Just remember to give your father the same speech about having joy when he sees my bill.
KIM: What?
JOY: Nothing. Here comes the happy gas!
Dr. Joy puts an oxygen mask on Kim.
ANNOUNCER: Tune in next week for another visit with the Joyful Dentist… if there is a next time!
Mr. Potato Head
I want to introduce you all to an old friend of mine. He’s probably a friend of yours, too. His name is Mr. Potato Head. He’s been one of the most popular children’s toys for decades. He’s starred in movies. He’s been re-made as a Transformer, as Darth Vader, and even as a football player. But no matter how you change him, he is still Mr. Potato Head. Right?
Remove the pieces mentioned as you continue through the lesson.
Let’s say Mr. Potato Head goes out for a walk, and Mr. Potato Head loses his hat. Is he still Mr. Potato Head?
Now let’s say Mr. Potato Head gets robbed and someone takes his shoes. Is he still Mr. Potato Head?
Let’s say Mr. Potato Head has a really bad day. Through no fault of his own, he loses an arm, his nose, even his eyes. Is he still Mr. Potato Head?
You can do whatever you like to Mr. Potato Head. He is still Mr. Potato Head, and nothing can change that.
Next time you’re hurting or sick, remember our old friend here. No matter what happens to you, no matter how sick or how hurt you may be, you’re God’s kid. Nothing can change that. And if you hold on to God, nothing can take away your joy. I hope none of you have a bad day like Mr. Potato Head did today, but even if you do, no one can ever take the joy of God from you!
Two tubes of toothpaste
Choose two players for this game. Contestants will race to see who can empty their tube of toothpaste onto a plate the fastest.
This can also be a timed contest. Who can get the most toothpaste out in less than a minute?
Toothpaste is one of the tools we use to fight tooth decay and prevent pain. It’s part of good oral hygiene. We will all experience pain or one kind or another, but we can still have joy when we are hurting.
We can have joy even when we are hurt.
Kids will learn they can have joy when they are hurting or sick.
Job 1:13-22. The story of Job.
How many of you wanted to turn around and run the second you saw that we were starting a dentist series? If you’re like most kids, and adults, the dentist’s office is not your favorite place. At best, it’s the place you go to every six months to get poked, prodded, scraped, x-rayed, tugged, and pulled for a little bit and sent home with a toy. If you’re really “lucky,” you’re one of those people who gets to enjoy all the extras the dentist’s office has to offer, like Novocain injections and drills!
Kids’ dentists do everything they can to make going to their office a pleasant experience. They fill their lobbies with TVs and toys and play sets and other fun stuff. But let’s face it. The one thing we all enjoy most about the dentist’s office is leaving!
The dentist’s office seems like the least likely place in the world a person would have joy, but that makes it the perfect setting for us to discuss joy! The Bible tells us that you can have joy in all circumstances. If you can have joy in the dentist’s office, you can have joy anywhere!
You might find it hard to have joy when you’re being poked and prodded along the gum-line, but people have found joy in even harsher circumstances. One man who found that joy is Job, whose story appears right in the middle of the Bible. Job was a very righteous man who loved God with all his heart. He had a big family, and he was very wealthy. But the most amazing thing about Job is what happened when God allowed him to be tested.
Read Job 1:13-22
Job had it all. He was living the good life, and he was very thankful for it. But when God allowed Satan to take everything away from him, Job did not lose heart. Though he was grieving for his children and sad for the loss of his wealth, Job knew he had one thing no one could take from him – God.
Job’s testing was far from over. Before his story ends, he will become very sick. His wife will call him a fool for believing in God, and three friends will all come and blame Job’s problems on him. Through all that testing, Job kept his faith. No one and no thing could steal Job’s joy.
If we place our trust in God, no one will be able to steal our joy either, no matter how hard life gets and no matter how painful it may be!
Some people have the mistaken idea that when things go bad, it’s God’s fault. They want to blame God for their problems, instead of leaning on God like Job did. It’s God’s fault my heart is broken! It’s God’s fault I am in pain.
God created the world we live in, but he was not the one who brought suffering and pain into this world. We did that. When Adam and Eve sinned, they brought pain into God’s perfect creation.
God could have abandoned us. He could have wiped us off the face of the Earth. But God loved us so much, he stuck by us. He sent his son Jesus to pay for our sins, all our mistakes, and when we place our trust in Jesus he gives us his Holy Spirit.
God doesn’t create the bad things that happen to us, but God uses them to draw us closer. If we lean on God just as Job did, we can have joy even in the worst of circumstances – when we are hurt, when we are sick, and yes, even when we are in the dentist’s office.
When you’re in pain, lean on God. When you are sick, call God’s name. When things are bad, trust in God. God will be there, wherever you are, and he will give you joy!
Dear God,
Thank you for loving us and for being there in bad times. Be near us when we are hurt, and give us joy in those tough times.
In Jesus’s name,
What is your dentist’s office like?
Philippians 4:4
Ask the kids what they think the writer was trying to say when he wrote these words. Then ask them how this verse is connected to today’s story.
Sing a song with the kids like, “I’ve Got the Joy Joy Joy Joy Down In My Heart.”
Read Job 1:13-22
What did the first messenger tell Job?
What happened to Job’s children?
How would you have felt if you were Job?
How did Job respond to all that tragedy?
Is there anywhere we can’t have joy?
Dear God,
Be near us when we are sick and when we are hurting. Give us your joy, and help us to remember you love us.
In Jesus’s name,
What is your dentist’s office like?
Philippians 4:4
Ask the kids what they think the writer was trying to say when he wrote these words. Then ask them how this verse is connected to today’s story.
Have a “Laugh Off” - which of your kids can laugh the loudest, the softest, the most annoying, the cutest, etc.
Read Job 1:13-22
Who was Job?
What happened to Job’s flocks and family?
How do you think you would have responded to Job’s situation?
Why didn’t Job blame God?
How can we have joy when we are going through hard times?
Dear God,
Be near us when we are sick and when we are hurting. Give us your joy, and help us to remember you love us.
In Jesus’s name,
For your convenience, you can also download the entire PDF version of this Job Children's Ministry Lesson (just click the link).
Here's a video from 5 Minute Family Devotionals that you might find helpful to go along with your Sunday School Lesson on Job.
Take a look at the links below for other ideas for teaching a Job Sunday School Lesson:
Job – Mission Bible Class
24 Best Bible: Job images in 2019 | Sunday school lessons
The Story of Job for Kids (Lesson 8 of the series) - Ministry-To-Children
Bible Fun For Kids: Job Stays Faithful to God