Joy to the World Sunday School Lesson

Joy to the World Sunday School Lesson For Kids:
The birth of Jesus gives us a reason to celebrate.
Kids will learn that because Jesus came to earth, we can have joy.
Luke 1:26-38. The Angel Gabriel Visits Mary.
“Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.” - Luke 2:14 (NIV)
Mary, a simple girl, is visited by an angel who delivers some good news. She will give birth to a baby. This child would be the King, and His kingdom would last forever. That's definitely a reason to be joyful!
Dear God,
Thank you for giving us Jesus. It is because of him that we can have joy. May we celebrate him today.
In Jesus’ name,
“Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.” - Luke 2:14 (NIV)
“May glory be given to God in the highest heaven! And may peace be given to those he is pleased with on earth!” - Luke 2:14 (NIrV)
Put the verse on the big screen and read it aloud with the kids.
Work as a group to create motions to accompany the verse. Say the verse several times while acting out the motions. (K-2nd)
Give all the kids a Bible. After you read the verse, give them the reference and see who can find it first in their Bible. (3rd-5th)
Mike searches the stage for something. There is a book center stage.
MIKE: Let's see, not over here. Maybe it's behind here. Is that it? I'm not sure. I don't think so.
As Mike mumbles to himself, Carl enters. He hurries across the stage, but before he can exit:
MIKE: Hey buddy, can you help me a minute?
CARL: Are you talking to me?
MIKE: Yeah, buddy.
CARL: My name isn't buddy. It's Carl.
MIKE: I'm Mike. Pleased to meet you.
CARL: And I'm kind of in a hurry. I was just cutting through this park because I'm late for a Christmas party.
MIKE: Christmas, Christmas, Christmas. That's all anybody's talking about.
CARL: And you don't like Christmas, Mike?
MIKE: I'd like it fine if I understood it. I'm on a search for the true Christmas.
CARL: And you're looking for it in this park?
MIKE: It sounds kind of silly, doesn't it? That's what I thought. But you see, I was reading this book and it said that Christmas lives in our parks.
CARL: Christmas lives in our parks? That doesn't sound right. Can I see that book?
Mike gets the book. He opens it up to a bookmarked section and points to the page.
MIKE: See, it's right there.
CARL: I think you read it wrong. This says that Christmas lives in our hearts, not that it lives in our parks.
MIKE: Oh. Well, that means something totally different.
CARL: (laughing) Yes it does.
MIKE: What does it mean?
CARL: I guess it's saying that Christmas isn't about decorations and parties and gifts under the tree. It's about Jesus and the difference that he can make in our hearts.
MIKE: Wow, you sure seem to know a lot about Christmas.
CARL: I guess.
MIKE: Your name isn't Roy, is it?
CARL: No, I told you my name was Carl.
MIKE: If you say so, buddy. But you seem to know as much about Christmas as Roy does.
CARL: I'm sorry, who is Roy?
MIKE: He's the guy with all of the answers about Christmas.
CARL: I've never heard of this all-knowing Roy. Is that in your book, too.
MIKE: Page 452. It says, and I quote, “You'll never truly understand the true meaning of Christmas until you have the Roy of Christmas.” And now, you're here and sure enough, I'm starting to understand.
Carl has found page 452 and he's shaking his head.
CARL: Not the Roy of Christmas. You need the JOY of Christmas.
CARL: You're not a very good speller.
MIKE: Joy makes a lot more sense. (beat) I'm still confused.
CARL: Christmas is all about Jesus. He is God's son and God sent him here to save us. Christmas is when we celebrate the time when Jesus was born on this earth. That's really good news. The kind of news that should fill us with joy.
BOTH: The joy of Christmas.
MIKE: Now I get it.
CARL: I'm glad. Now if you will excuse me, I have to get to my party.
MIKE: Sure. Have a nice night.
CARL: Thanks.
Carl exits.
MIKE: (calling out) And thanks for your help. (to himself) Wow, that Roy is a really nice guy.
Joy buzzer
Start by having the joy buzzer concealed in your hand.
Today is such a joyful day, and I'm just so excited to see everyone that I just have to shake your hands.
Shake hands with one of the kids – one whose ego as well as body can take the “jolt” of the buzzer.
That was a little bit shocking. I'm sorry. Does anybody know what this is? It's called a “joy buzzer.” That's kind of a strange name for it. I don't think it gives much joy. It mostly just buzzes you.
The Bible tells us that we are to have joy. That doesn't always seem possible. Sometimes life is hard, or just downright scary. Things that we think will make us happy just give us a jolt. But the Bible not only says we should have joy, but that we should have joy in all circumstances even when we face trials – or hard times.
How is that possible? The answer to that question is also the reason that we celebrate Christmas. Jesus! Christ is our Joy. Jesus was born as a baby. He grew up, and one day died on a cross for our sins. He came back to life, conquering death. He went up into heaven, where he lives today. And one day he is coming back to be our King forever.
And until that day comes, Jesus will come and be the king of our hearts and minds and spirits if we ask him to. That's a reason to celebrate. Jesus is how we can have joy even in those times when we feel like life is buzzing us.
Artificial Christmas Tree
12 – Red Plastic Ornaments
12 – Green Plastic Ornaments
Select two kids for this game – one red and one green. Working simultaneously, the kids have 60 seconds to place all 12 of their decorations on the Christmas tree. At the end of time, the kid with the most ornaments on the tree is the winner! In the event of a tie, the winner is selected by an audience vote of which is the more beautifully decorated.
For the younger kids, mix the colors and have the kids work together to decorate the tree in the time allotted.
The birth of Jesus gives us a reason to celebrate.
Kids will learn that because Jesus came to earth, we can have joy.
Luke 1:26-38. The Angel Gabriel Visits Mary.
Begin by singing “Joy to the World.”
For the next few weeks, as we prepare for the Christmas season, we will not only be looking at the story of the first Christmas, but we'll also be singing some of the songs of the season. How many of you already knew that song we just sang, “Joy to the World”? I bet most of you have heard it before. “Joy to the World” is the most published Christmas song in the English language. That's a fancy way of saying it's the best known and most popular Christmas carol.
The funny thing about that is, the guy who wrote “Joy to the World” didn't even write it to be a Christmas song. The words to the song were written 400 years ago by a guy named Isaac Watts. Mr. Watts wanted to write a song of joy, to celebrate when Jesus would come back at the end of time. After Jesus died and rose again, he went up into heaven. But before he left, he promised his followers that he would return someday. We call that the second coming of Jesus.
When that happens there will be much joy and celebration. That's what Isaac Watts wanted to capture in his song. “Joy to the World, the Lord is come. Let earth receive her king. Let every heart prepare him room. And heaven and nature sing.” Those words of celebration, though, could easily apply to the story of Jesus first coming as well. And so, the song quickly became a song sung at Christmastime, celebrating Jesus' birth.
The story of Jesus' birth begins with a young woman named Mary and a visit from a heavenly messenger.
READ Luke 1:26-38.
When Mary was first greeted by the angel Gabriel, she wasn't full of joy. The Bible says she was “troubled.” She was probably confused and a little frightened. But the angel told her not to be afraid, that he had good news for her. He said that Mary had found favor with God and that she would give birth to Jesus.
Jesus would be the Son of the Most High. He would be a King whose kingdom would never end.
Sometimes life isn't quite what we expect. When Mary woke up that morning, she certainly wasn't expecting to be visited by an angel. She hadn't planned on becoming the mother of the Savior of the world. Although these were all good things, they also came with some problems.
Mary's fiancé ,Joseph, wasn't too happy when he learned that Mary was pregnant. If he hadn't been visited by an angel himself, Joseph would have ended his relationship with Mary. And it's not hard to imagine that many of the people in Mary's life wouldn't have believed her story about the angel and giving birth to God's Son.
But through all of it, Mary was joyful.
Are you joyful when your life isn't going as planned? Maybe you had a really good friend and then one day they just stop talking to you. Maybe you always did good in school, but then suddenly you're studying a subject that's giving you lots of problems. Maybe things at home are difficult and you don't know what to do.
Is it possible to be joyful in those situations? It's hard sometimes, but with Jesus, we can still celebrate through the tough times. If we have asked Jesus into our hearts, he is with us always.
The song “Joy to the World” is a reminder that Jesus not only came once as a little baby to be our Savior, but that he will return some day to be our King. And through all of the time in between, he lives with those who love him – in their hearts and minds and spirits. That's a great reason to celebrate!
Dear God,
Thank you for giving us Jesus. It is because of him that we can have joy. May we celebrate him today.
In Jesus’ name,
What is your favorite thing about Christmas?
Luke 2:14
Work as a group to create motions to accompany the verse. Say the verse several times while acting out the motions.
Print the words to the first verse of “Joy to the World” on a poster board. Using markers or crayons, have the kids draw on the poster board, illustrating the lyrics of the song.
Read Luke 1:26-38.
Who was Mary?
What was the name of the angel that visited Mary?
What did Gabriel tell Mary?
What name was Mary to give to the baby?
What are things we can be joyful about today?
Dear God,
When Jesus was born, he brought joy to the world. May the joy that only he can give be in our hearts today and always.
In Jesus’ name,
What is your favorite thing about Christmas?
Luke 2:14
Give all the kids a Bible. After you read the verse, give them the reference and see who can find it first in their Bible.
Print the words to the first verse of “Joy to the World” on a poster board. Have the kids cut pictures out of magazines and glue them to the poster board, illustrating the lyrics to the song.
Read Luke 1:26-38.
Who was Mary?
Why was Mary troubled at first by the angel's visit?
What news did Gabriel deliver to Mary?
What are things we can be joyful about today?
How can we be joyful in difficult situations?
Dear God,
When Jesus was born, he brought joy to the world. May the joy that only he can give be in our hearts today and always.
In Jesus’ name,
For your convenience, you can also download the entire PDF version of this Joy to the World Children's Ministry Lesson (just click the link).
Take a look at the links below for other ideas for teaching a Joy to the World Sunday School Lesson:
Joy to the World Object Lessons - Free Bible Lessons
Joy to the World | Desiring God
The Joy of Christmas - Group Activities - Sermons4Kids