Kidmin Curriculum - 10 Most Popular Children's Ministry Curriculum Options

One of the most asked questions in our 15,000 member Children's Ministry Facebook group is "Which Children's Ministry curriculum do you use?" or "Which Kidmin Curriculum is the Best?" or some variation of that question. So we decided to try and answer it once and for all by asking our entire group that question at the same time.
Which Children's Ministry Curriculum Do You Currently Use In Your Children's Ministry? Here's what they said:
This list was updated on May 24, 2017 after the 15,000+ member Children's Pastors Only Facebook group answered this question over a two month period.
2. Lifeway
3. Write My Own
4. Orange
5. Group
7. High Voltage
9. Elevate
10. Other - there were over 80+ different curriculum options listed. Visit The Huge List of Children's Ministry Curriculum Providers blog post written by Steven Knight for links to all various other curriculum providers available. We have also pinned the results to the top of the discussion board in the Children's Pastors Only Facebook group.
If you're looking for specific series' ideas, we made a video with the 10 best-selling series' that Children's Ministers are using from Children's Ministry Deals. We hope this gives you some great ideas!