Parable of the Sower Sunday School Lesson

Parable of the Sower Sunday School Lesson For Kids:
Parables are stories that reveal God’s truth.
Kids will learn a parable is a short story meant to help us learn an important lesson.
Mark 4:1-20, Parable of the Sower
“Then Jesus said, ‘Those who have ears should listen.’” Mark 4:9 (NIrV)
Kids will be introduced to what a parable is in this lesson. They will also study the Parable of the Sower to learn that God’s Word has to be number one in our life and if we try to make other things more important than following Jesus and obeying His word, it can cause our faith to stop growing and die out.
Dear God,
Thank you for the parables of Jesus.
In Jesus’ name,
“Then Jesus said, ‘Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear.’” Mark 4:9 (NIV)
“Then Jesus said, ‘Those who have ears should listen.’” Mark 4:9 (NIrV)
Have all the fifth/sixth graders (whatever the oldest age in the room may be) read the verse first. Then add the next grade down and repeat. Add the next grade down, and repeat. Keep repeating until everyone is reading together.
Ask the kids what they think Jesus was trying to say when he said these words. Then ask them how this verse is connected to today’s story.
A bag of seed
A farmer costume
2 M
The Narrator
A Farmer
The Narrator enters.
NARR: A farmer went out to sow his seed.
The Farmer enters.
FARMER: How’s it going?
NARR: Good. How are you?
FARMER: Mind if I sow a little seed?
NARR: Not at all.
FARMER: Thanks.
NARR: As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path.
FARMER: Whoa, whoa, whoa, I’m not going to spill seed on the path.
NARR: You have to. It’s in the story.
FARMER: If I spill seed on the path, the birds will come and eat it up.
NARR: I know!
FARMER: I’m not doing that.
NARR: Umm, okay. We’ll just move on then. Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow.
FARMER: Whoa, whoa, whoa. I’m not spreading seed on the rocky places either.
NARR: Why not?
FARMER: Because when the sun comesup, the plants willbe scorchedand wither because they haveno root.
NARR: That’s the point of the story. Showing that when seed is spread on the rocks—
FARMER: I’m not doing it.
NARR: You’re ruining the story.
FARMER: But I’m not ruining my crops. Now go on with your story.
NARR: Some of the seedfell among thorns.
FARMER: The thorns? Really?
NARR: Come on, just a few seeds?
FARMER: If I drop seeds among the thorns, they will grow up and be choked out by the thorns.
NARR: All right, Mr. Farmer, sir, where do you want to plant?
FARMER: Where a wise farmer always plants, in the good soil.
NARR: And why is that?
FARMER: Because when you plant seed in good soil, it will produce a crop, multiplying thirty, some sixty, some a hundred times.
NARR: So what you’re saying is, if you want seeds to grow, they need good soil where it will be nourished and watered and receive plenty of sun?
FARMER: That’s right.
NARR: And if someone wants to grow their faith, they will listen to the words of Jesus, letting those words fall into the good soil of their heart where it can grow a crop thirty, some sixty, some a hundred times.
FARMER: Ohhhh, I get what this is about! It’s not about wasting seed. It’s about growing faith.
NARR: Exactly.
FARMER: Yes, I think you’re right. If you want to grow your faith, you will let the words of Jesus fall into the good soil of yourheart where it can grow a crop thirty, some sixty, some a hundred times.
NARR: That’s all I wanted to say.
FARMER: Well I wish you had just said that to begin with. I wouldn’t have been so upset about spilling seed on the path and the rocky places and in the thorns. Those seeds are expensive!
A potted plant
Can anyone tell me what’s missing from this pot? There are no rocks in the pot. There are no weeds or thorns. There’s no gravel, no cement, nothing but good soil. This plant is growing and thriving because it has everything it needs to grow and thrive - and nothing to stop its growth.
Jesus gave us some stories called parables, including the Parable of the Sower. If we let these stories penetrate our hearts, like the seed that penetrated the soil in this pot, they will fertilize and nourish our faith. The more we listen to the words of Jesus, the more we grow in wisdom and in faith.
I hope you’ll make it a point to be here for all of the lessons on Jesus’ parables. More important, I hope you’ll let the words of Jesus sink into good soil so that your faith can grow tall and strong. Let’s open our ears, our hearts, and our minds so we can discover what Jesus has to teach us!
Two trays
Six plastic cups of water
Three potted plants
Spread the three plants around the room. Pick two players and hand each one a tray with three cups of water. The players will race around the room to water the three plants. They must be careful not to tip the tray or drop any of the cups of water.
For older students increase the number of cups of water on the trays and the number of plants.
Parables help our faith grow like a seed in good soil.
Parables are stories that reveal God’s truth.
Kids will learn a parable is a short story meant to help us learn an important lesson.
Mark 4:1-20, Parable of the Sower
The Bible is the Word of God. It is a book filled with wisdom and knowledge. It is a book that teaches us who we are, who created us, why our world is so messed up, and what God did to fix it. If we pay attention to the Bible, we can learn how we can be saved, how we can avoid temptation, and how we can find God’s will for our life.
What’s so amazing about the Bible is that it teaches us these things without being boring. The Bible isn’t a collection of lists or outlines. It’s not formatted like a sermon or even a kids ministry lesson. The Bible is a collection of stories. The Bible tells us stories about real people and how God impacted their lives. It is through these stories that we discover all God has to teach us about life and sin and God’s Son Jesus.
Jesus was a storyteller too. Jesus told stories called parables. These were simple stories about ordinary people that contained deeper meanings and wisdom. You could easily hear a parable and miss the point if you’re not paying attention, but if you listen closely, you can learn some very important truths.
Jesus taught in parables because He wanted to make His lessons memorable. Jesus understood that when we listen to stories and discover the themes in those stories, the lessons of those stories were much more memorable than if He had just skipped to the lesson.
Today we’re going to start our study of these parables with a story about a farmer. Listen closely, because you’ll discover this story is about much more than a farmer. It’s about letting God’s Word, the whole Bible, transform our lives.
READ MARK 4:1-20
Jesus told a story about a farmer because many of his listeners were farmers. He knew they would relate to the struggles of this farmer to plant his seed in good soil so it would produce a good crop. But Jesus was not interested in helping farmers to grow more lettuce and broccoli. He wanted us to grow in our faith.
Some seed fell on the path and was eaten or swept away. This seed represents people who hear the stories of the Bible but aren’t really listening. Some seed fell in the rocky places and among the thorns. These people hear the message of the Bible, but they are so distracted by other things, they quickly forget the message and never grow.
Some of the seed fell in good soil and produced a huge crop. This is where God wants us to be, planted in good soil. He wants us to read the Word of God daily. He wants us to spend time in prayer. If we take the time to nurture our faith, it will grow, and God will use us to spread His Word to the world.
What is the ultimate goal of a farmer? To produce food. The more their crops grow, the more food they produce. An apple tree planted in rocky soil is not going to grow well, but an apple tree in good soil is going to produce a huge crop.
When our faith is rooted in good soil we can produce a crop as well. God will use us to create fruit by spreading our faith to others. We pray for our friends. We look for opportunities to love and serve those in need. We share our faith by bringing friends to church and by telling them about Jesus.
God gave us the Bible to help us to cultivate good soil in our hearts. Jesus gave us these parables for the same reason. If we listen closely to these stories, we’ll discover truth about God, about life, and about how we should live for God. The more we learn from these parables, the more our faith will grow.
It’s easy to get distracted by the cares of the world and forget to spend time with God, but God wants us to make Him number one in our lives. He wants the Bible to be the most important book we read. He wants us to make praying to Him our top priority. If we make God number one, our faith will grow like the seed in the good soil. We will grow strong and bear fruit for Jesus.
I hope all of you will come with open ears and open hearts the next seven weeks as we read more of Jesus’ parables. I hope you’ll also take the time to read the Bible at home and spend time in prayer every day. Let’s ask God to give us ears to hear, and let’s ask him to help us from being distracted by other things so we can learn from the wisdom of Jesus.
Dear God,
Thank you for offering us eternal life!
In Jesus’ name,
What is your favorite short story?
Mark 4:9
Ask the kids what they think Jesus was trying to say when he said these words. Then ask them how this verse is connected to today’s story.
Have each kid get up and do their best impression of a seed growing into a beautiful flower!
Read Mark 4:1-20
What is a parable?
What happened in the parable we read today?
Why did the seed in the good soil grow so much better than the other seeds?
Why does God want us to put him first?
What are some things we can do to put God first?
Dear God,
Help us to learn from the Bible and Jesus’ parables.
In Jesus’ name,
What is your favorite short story?
Mark 4:9
Ask the kids what they think Jesus was trying to say when he said these words. Then ask them how this verse is connected to today’s story.
Have each kid get up and do their best impression of a seed growing into a beautiful flower!
Read Mark 4:1-20
What is a parable?
Why did Jesus use parables to teach?
What is the lesson in the Parable of the Sower?
Why does God want us to put him first?
What are some things we can do to put God first?
Dear God,
Help us to learn from the Bible and Jesus’ parables.
In Jesus’ name,
For your convenience, you can also download the entire PDF version of this Parable of the Sower Children's Ministry Lesson (just click the link).
Here's a video from Saddleback kids that you might find helpful to go along with your Sunday School Lesson on the Parable of the Sower.
Take a look at the links below for other ideas for teaching a Parable of the Sower Sunday School Lesson:
The Parable of the Sower: Children's Sunday School Lesson
The Parable of the Sower | Children's Sermons from
The Sower and the Seed Bible Lesson Plan - DLTK-Bible