Samuel Anoints David Sunday School Lesson

Samuel Anoints David Sunday School Lesson for Kids:
God can use us if we have a willing heart.
Kids will learn that God can use them to do great things.
1 Samuel 16:1-13. Samuel Anoints David.
"He will bless those who fear the Lord— small and great alike." Psalm 115:13 (NIV)
Sometimes we feel like we aren't strong enough or smart enough or important enough to do anything really great. But God has big plans for kids who seek after his heart.
Dear God,
Thank you for your great love. Give us willing hearts so we can do great things for you.
In Jesus’ name,
"He will bless those who fear the Lord— small and great alike." Psalm 115:13 (NIV)
“The Lord will bless those who have respect for him. He will bless important and unimportant people alike.” - Psalm 115:13 (NIrV)
Put the verse on the big screen and read it aloud with the kids.
Ask the kids what they think the writer was trying to say when he wrote these words. Then ask them how this verse is connected to today’s story.
Angel costumes
Greg and Roderick - Guardian angels
Greg enters.
GREG: Hi, I’m Greg, and I’m a guardian angel. I know I don’t look like one. I don’t have the big, giant wings, and I’m still too small to get to carry a sword. But just because I’m a little angel doesn’t mean I’m not important. Let me tell you a story about a little guy like me. It happened a long time ago—
Roderick enters. He is bigger and much more impressive looking as an angel.
RODERICK: Hey, squirt, what do you think you’re doing? You know you’re not supposed to talk to people!
Roderick gives Greg a noogie.
GREG: Cut it out, Roderick.
RODERICK: (mocking) Cut it out, Roderick!
GREG: Knock it off!
RODERICK: (mocking) Knock it off!
GREG: I’m telling the boss!
RODERICK: (mocking) I’m telling— (he stops, steps back) Fine.
GREG: As I was saying, this happened a long time ago. Roderick and I were the guardian angels for the sons of a man named Jesse. Roderick had the big guys, and I only had little David.
RODERICK: That’s because you’re little. You weren’t ready to handle a bunch of buff warriors like Jesse’s boys.
GREG: David was a shepherd like his brothers.
RODERICK: He was a wimp.
GREG: He knew how to use a sling.
RODERICK: And he played the harp. Awww!
GREG: But he was the smallest of the family. So when God’s prophet Samuel came to the house one day, Jesse called all his sons except David to meet Samuel.
RODERICK: That’s right, stay out in the fields and count sheep!
GREG: Samuel was there to pick a new king of Israel. All of Jesse’s boys were big and strong, but God didn’t choose any of them.
RODERICK: That was so crazy.
GREG: That was God’s plan. You see, it wasn’t the muscles on the outside God was looking for. It was the heart inside. And inside little David was the heart of a king.
RODERICK: Fine, rub it in.
GREG: David had a willing heart, and that was all God needed. He would do great things through that little shepherd boy, and that’s why God chose David.
RODERICK: He was still just a kid.
GREG: Sure he was, but we all know that wimpy kid did some pretty big things.
RODERICK: Dude don’t spoil it. One story at a time.
GREG: You’re right. Just know that God doesn’t look at the outside. God looks at the heart, and if God sees a willing heart in you, he can make you someone special too.
RODERICK: Even if you’re a wimp like Greg.
GREG: Roderick!
Greg and Roderick exit.
An acorn
A pot with potting soil
A spade
Have a few kids come up and help you to plant the acorn in the pot.
Does anyone know what kind of tree comes from an acorn?
If we were to let this acorn sprout and grow, it would outgrow this pot very quickly. Given the right location with the right soil, it would eventually grow into a mighty oak tree. Oak trees can grow to between 70 and 100 feet tall, and they can live well over 1000 years.
Hard to believe the DNA for such a mighty tree is contained in a tiny acorn, but it’s true. Everything needed to grow a mighty oak is in those little nuts that fall from the trees.
That’s what God sees when he looks at each one of us - hearts that have the potential to become something great. God can use you to share his love with others in big ways and small. It all starts with us having a willing heart.
Are you willing to let God use you? Are you willing to let God shape you into someone special? Ask God to give you an open heart, and ask him to reveal his plan for your life. When God is in control, there’s no limit to what we can do - even when we are kids.
Two blindfolds
Two bibs
Two spoons
Two jars of baby food
Choose two pairs for this game. One team member wears the bib and sits in a chair. The other sits across from the first with the baby food. The second team member must feed the baby food to the first, but he will do it blindfolded. The first team to successfully feed and eat their jar of baby food wins.
This can also be a timed contest for two players trying to beat the clock and eat a jar of baby food in a minute or less.
No matter how small you are, God can use you to do great things, even as a kid.
God can use us if we have a willing heart.
Kids will learn that God can use them to do great things.
1 Samuel 16:1-13. Samuel Anoints David.
One of the most entertaining books and movie series in recent years is called Diary of a Wimpy Kid. The diaries tell us the story of Greg, an insecure middle school student who struggles to fit in, to make and keep friends, to become his own person, and to survive his older and younger brothers.
The Wimpy Kid books are funny but sometimes hard to take. We feel sad for Greg at times because we’ve all been in his shoes. We’ve all been in trouble with Mom and Dad. We’ve all been embarrassed in front of our classmates. We’ve all been through many of the same struggles he faces. As awkward as it gets, it’s also comforting to know we are not alone!
Today we’re starting a new series that will give us an up close look at a kid like Greg. This kid lived thousands of years before the Wimpy Kid books were written, and his story has inspired kids for generations. We’re calling this series Diary of a Godly Kid, and the kid in this story is David.
David was the youngest son in a family of big, tough boys. All of David’s brothers were not only shepherds like David and his father, but warriors. They served in the army of Israel, and they were all handsome and strong.
When we first meet David, he’s so young and so small his father Jesse doesn’t even think of him when Samuel, the prophet, comes to visit. Samuel meets each one of Jesse’s sons, looking for the man God has chosen to be Israel’s new king. Samuel is expecting someone tall and strong, but Samuel is looking at the wrong thing. God knows who the new king will be, and he’s about to teach everyone, including Samuel, an important lesson.
READ 1 Samuel 16:1-13
Imagine how it felt to be David, to be left out at first and then called to stand before the prophet. Imagine knowing that your Dad didn’t even think of you when Samuel said he had come to choose a king. David probably didn’t think anything of it. He was just a kid, after all, and he was not ready to rule.
If you think that’s awkward, imagine being David’s brothers. You’ve been raised to serve your country. You’re brave, skilled with a sword, and the apple of your father’s eye. But when Samuel looks at you, he shakes his head no. “This isn’t the one. He’s got the look, but looks don’t matter. He doesn’t have the right heart.”
God surprises David, Samuel, Jesse, and David’s brothers. God showed them that what’s on the inside is far more important than what’s on the outside.
Anyone who has every seen the Star Wars movies knows it’s not what’s on the outside but the inside that counts. When Luke Skywalker met Yoda, he didn’t believe that the tiny, green Muppet-like character could possibly be the great Jedi warrior, but Yoda’s size and funny looks were no hindrance when it came to using the force or wielding a lightsaber.
The story of Yoda - and David - is not just the stuff of movies. Kids do amazing things every day. Kids help other kids by starting charity drives, raising money and collecting food for the needy. Kids volunteer to help animals at the zoo and raise awareness about caring for our Earth. Kids do everything from inventing useful tools to simply befriending new kids who move into their school.
It doesn’t matter if you’re in Kindergarten, third grade, or about to head into middle school, God can use you. God can use you to share his love with your family and friends. Through little acts of kindness, you can be a big helper to mom or give encouragement to someone who needs it.
Get into the habit of serving others now, and God will do even greater things as you get older. David grew to become a mighty warrior, a king, and a spiritual leader to his people. God can use you to change your school, your city, your country, even your whole world.
It all begins now, with a willing heart that longs for Jesus. David didn’t become king because of who he would become. He became king because of the boy he was. Give your heart to Jesus, and open your heart to doing his will. God can do big things through you, even though you are small!
Dear God,
Thank you for your great love. Give us willing hearts so we can do great things for you.
In Jesus’ name,
What’s your favorite little snack?
Psalm 115:13
Ask the kids what they think the writer was trying to say when he wrote these words. Then ask them how this verse is connected to today’s story.
Have the kids introduce themselves and tell something amazing that they can do!
Read 1 Samuel 16:1-13
Who was Samuel?
What did God tell Samuel to do?
Why did God choose David and not his brothers?
Why is the inside of a person more important than the outside?
Do you think God can use kids to do great things?
Dear God,
Thank you for showing us what’s most important to you. Give us willing hearts so that you can use us to share your light with others.
In Jesus’ name,
All sedentary!
What’s your favorite little snack?
Psalm 115:13
Ask the kids what they think the writer was trying to say when he wrote these words. Then ask them how this verse is connected to today’s story.
Have the kids act out a skit about David’s brothers reacting to Samuel anointing David.
Read 1 Samuel 16:1-13
Why did Samuel think one of David’s older brothers would be the chosen king?
Why does God value the heart more than the outside of a person?
Do you think most people see kids as someone God can use? Why or why not?
Do you think God can use you to share his love with others?
What are some things you can do now to serve God?
Dear God,
Thank you for showing us what’s most important to you. Give us willing hearts so that you can use us to share your light with others.
In Jesus’ name,
For your convenience, you can also download the entire PDF version of this Samuel Anoints David Children's Ministry Lesson (just click the link).
Here's a video from Fishnet Bible Stories that you might find helpful to go along with your Sunday School Lesson on the Samuel Anointing David.
Take a look at the links below for other ideas for teaching a Samuel Anointing David Sunday School Lesson:
David is Chosen as King (1 Samuel 16) Preschool Bible Lesson
King David Sunday School Lesson for Children
'Chosen By God' Sunday School Lesson on David • MinistryArk