Thankfulness Sunday School Lesson

Thankfulness Sunday School Lesson for Kids:
Be thankful for God’s plans.
Kids will choose one talent, gift, or trait God has given them that they are thankful for.
Jeremiah 1, God calls Jeremiah
“Oh, give thanks to the Lord! Call upon His name; make known His deeds among the people!”
1 Chronicles 16:8 (NIV)
God is our creator, and he has a special plan for all of us. That’s a great reason to be thankful, and a great reason to be obedient.
Dear God,
Thank you for the plans you have for us.
In Jesus’ name,
“Oh, give thanks to the Lord! Call upon His name; make known His deeds among the people!” 1 Chronicles 16:8 (NIV)
“Give praise to the Lord. Make his name known. Tell the nations what he has done.” 1 Chronicles 16:8 (NIrV)
Have the kids read the verse together. Read it normally, then in a whisper, then really, really loudly!
Give all the kids a Bible. Then, after you read the verse, give them the reference and see who can find it first in their Bible.
Sleeping bags, pajamas
Marty and Luann - Best friends
Mom - Luann’s mom
Two sleeping bags are on stage.
MOM: (off) Luann, it’s time for bed!
Luann and Marty enter.
LUANN: Aww, come on, Mom! It’s only eleven o’clock! We didn’t get to watch Slumber Party Nightmare 2 yet!
MOM: You can watch Slumber Party Nightmare 2 after you see Slumber Party Nightmare 1.
LUANN: And when can I see that?
MOM: When you’re in college! Good night!
MARTY: It’s okay, Luann, I’m kind of tired anyway.
LUANN: Yeah, I guess we should get some sleep.
Luann gets into her sleeping bag. Marty unzips hers and gets down on her knees.
MARTY: Dear God, Thank you for today. Thank you for the fun I had with Luann. Thank you for a friend like her. Thank you for all the gifts you have given me. Thank you for making me musical. Thank you for giving me a chance to—
LUANN: Marty? Who are you talking to?
MARTY: Sorry, I was just thanking God.
LUANN: For what?
MARTY: For everything. Every good thing I have comes from God, and every night, I thank him for those things.
LUANN: Every night?
MARTY: Sure. God makes all of us special, and he has special plans for us.
LUANN: You sure about that?
MARTY: Oh yeah.
LUANN: Huh. No one’s ever said anything like that to me. Do you think God made me special too?
MARTY: Sure, Luann! You’re one of the best artists I know. That’s a gift from God.
LUANN: Really?
MARTY: And I bet God has a plan for you to use your art, just like he lets me use my music to praise Him.
LUANN: Maybe I oughta praise God too.
MARTY: Sure, why not?
Luann gets on her knees.
LUANN: So what do I say?
MARTY: Say, “God, thanks for making me me.”
LUANN: God, thanks for making me me.
MARTY: “Thanks for my art.”
LUANN: Thanks for my art.
MARTY: And thanks for the plans you have for me.
LUANN: You sure God has plans for me, Marty?
MARTY: You bet I am.
LUANN: I can’t wait to see what those plans are.
MARTY: Luann, that makes two of us.
An apple
Apples are part of God’s creation. God created apples for our enjoyment, and for our nourishment. God put seeds inside apples so that we could plant and grow apple trees, and he created apple trees to grow more apples.
What are some of your favorite treats that include apples?
Everything part of God’s creation - from the sun to the tiniest insect - has a purpose. It’s all part of the amazing creation God made for us. He gave us apples, flowers, animals, the sun, moon, and stars to show us that he loves us. And just as God has a purpose for all these things, he has a purpose for us.
God has given each of us talents and gifts that are unique. He has made plans for each one of our lives. He wants us to play a part in sharing his love with our friends. Let’s thank God for those blessings and ask him how we can use our gifts to glorify him.
Two boxes, two wrapping paper tubes, two rolls of tape, two pair of scissors
Choose two players for this game. Give each player a box, and on your signal, have the two players race to see who can wrap their gift first.
An alternate game is to have the kids wrap their gifts without tape and scissors. Who can wrap the neatest looking gift?
We should thank God for our gifts and for the plans God has for us.
Be thankful for God’s plans.
Kids will choose one talent, gift, or trait God has given them that they are thankful for.
Jeremiah 1, God calls Jeremiah
Ever since you were small children, you parents have taught you a simple courtesy. When someone gives you something, what two words do you say?
“Thank you.” Those two words are drilled into our heads. We learn the words, “Thank you” almost as fast as we learn, “Mom”, “Dad”, and “No.” Saying, “Thank you” is a common courtesy we extend to everyone, from the people who serve us in restaurants to our grandparents. We expect it when we do something nice for someone else. But how often do we mean it? Is saying thanks just something we do out of habit, or do we really mean it when we say, “Thank you?”
When we stop to think about the things we have been given and the givers of those gifts, we have much to be thankful for, and in the next few weeks, we’ll talk about many of the reasons we have to be thankful - and how we can best show our thanks.
One of the most important things we can be thankful for is the God who created us. God made each one of us unique. He gave us the family he did in the place and time he did for a specific reason. God knew each of us before we were ever born, and he planned for us to be right where we are, right now, so that he could use us to show the world his amazing love.
In today’s scripture, we’re going to meet a man who learned first hand how God makes each one of us for a special purpose. The man’s name was Jeremiah, and he was amazed to discover that God had a special purpose for his life. Jeremiah didn’t believe it at first, but with God’s direction, he became one of the most important men in the Old Testament.
Jeremiah came along at a time in history when God’s chosen people, Israel, had forgotten him. God had saved Israel from slavery. He had given them a land to call their own and protected them from all enemies. Yet the people rejected God and chose to worship false gods instead.
God had warned the people long ago that he would punish them if they ever forgot him. God needed a man to remind Israel of that warning, someone brave and bold who would share God’s message without fear. God chose Jeremiah for that very reason.
Jeremiah didn’t believe he had it in him to be a prophet, but when the judgment for their sin came, it was Jeremiah who reminded the people why they were being punished and showed them the way they could repent of their sin.
God made each of us for a special purpose, just as he did Jeremiah. We need to thank God for the gifts he’s given us, and we need to use our gifts to show the world God loves us.
When we receive a gift, the first words we say after, “Wow!” and, “Just what I wanted!” should always be thankful. As we discover the gifts God has given us, we need to thank him as well. When we discover a talent we have for something, like music or drama, we can thank God. When we discover a passion we have, something we enjoy doing that serves others, we can thank God as well. God loves to hear our prayers, and he really loves when we are thankful.
But saying thank you isn’t enough. If we say thank you for a gift, and we put it in the closet, what good is that gift to us or anyone else? God wants us to show we are thankful by putting our gifts and talents to use. Those who can sing can sing for God. Those who can act can act for God. Those who have a heart for serving should serve. Those with a talent for leading others and teaching should do what God made them to do. And those who have the gift of encouragement should always be on the lookout for someone who needs a pick me up.
It’s worth pointing out that God doesn’t expect us to wait until we are older to use those gifts. Remember when Jeremiah said, “I’m too young?” God told Jeremiah his age didn’t matter. God can use you, even though you are still kids, to bless others. So don’t put off using your gifts for God. God can use anyone, even kids, to show people he loves them!
God didn’t give us gifts for the simple pleasure of seeing us discover them. He wants to use us to be a part of his plan to bring salvation to the world. Just as God used Jeremiah to warn the people and show them the way back to him. God can use us to invite our friends and others to meet Jesus in person. Let us give thanks to God every day in prayer for the things he has given us. And let us show him how thankful we are by putting those gifts to work so others can give thanks to God as well.
Thanks and glory be to God, who gave us his son and so much more.
Dear God,
Thank you for the plans you have for us.
In Jesus’ name,
What’s the best gift you have ever received for your birthday?
1 Chronicles 16:8
Give all the kids a Bible. Then, after you read the verse, give them the reference and see who can find it first in their Bible.
Give all of the kids a spicy cinnamon candy to put on their tongue. How does the candy feel? How do they think it felt when God touched Jeremiah’s mouth?
Read Jeremiah 1
What did God say to Jeremiah?
What excuses did Jeremiah give when God spoke to him?
How did God answer that excuse?
How did God use Jeremiah to help Israel?
What is one talent or gift God has given you that you are thankful for?
Dear God,
Show us the gifts you have given us so we can be thankful and use them for you.
In Jesus’ name,
What’s the best gift you have ever received for your birthday?
1 Chronicles 16:8
Give all the kids a Bible. Then, after you read the verse, give them the reference and see who can find it first in their Bible.
Give all of the kids a spicy cinnamon candy to put on their tongue. How does the candy feel? How do they think it felt when God touched Jeremiah’s mouth?
Read Jeremiah 1
What did God call Jeremiah to do?
What excuses did Jeremiah give when God spoke to him?
How did God answer those excuses?
What is one talent or gift God has given you that you are thankful for?
How can you show God you are thankful by using that gift for him?
Dear God,
Show us the gifts you have given us so we can be thankful and use them for you.
In Jesus’ name,
For your convenience, you can also download the entire PDF version of this Thankfulness Children's Ministry Lesson (just click the link).
Here's a video from Saddleback kids that you might find helpful to go along with your Sunday School Lesson on Thankfulness.
Take a look at the links below for other ideas for teaching a Thankfulness Sunday School Lesson:
25 Fun Thanksgiving Ideas for Sunday School Lessons and Activities
5 crafts for teaching kids thankfulness (with Bible verses!) - Disciplr
Children's Ministry Resources: Sunday School Lesson For Thanksgiving