The Fall Sunday School Lesson

The Fall Sunday School Lesson for Kids:
We are all sinners in need of a Savior.
Kids will learn that God created the world and that man was separated from God because of sin.
Genesis 3. The Fall.
“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” - Psalm 119:105 (NIV)
Every story has a beginning that tells us who the story is about and what is happening. The Bible tells us who we are - people created by God who rebelled against God. We are all sinners separated from God by our sin, but thankfully for us, this is only the beginning of the story.
Dear God,
Thank you for giving us the Bible so we can know who we are and who you are. Thank you for loving us enough to send your Son to save us from sin. We love you, and we thank you for your love.
In Jesus' name,
“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” - Psalm 119:105 (NIV)
“Your word is like a lamp that shows me the way. It is like a light that guides me.” - Psalm 119:105 (NIrV)
Put the verse on the big screen and read it aloud with the kids.
Ask the kids what they think the writer was trying to say when he wrote these words. Then ask them how this verse is connected to today’s story.
Fruit, a snake mask or puppet
3M, 2F
The Serpent
God (voice)
The Narrator enters.
NARR: Coming soon to the big screen, it's the most epic, the most awesome, the most amazing movie ever made. Based on the number one best seller of all time, it's The Bible!
Play dramatic movie music of some kind.
NARR: See the beginning of the world when God creates the heavens, the earth, the plants, the animals, and man!
Adam enters.
ADAM: Wow! Is this all for me? This place is great! Look at all these cool... hmm, well, I think I need to start thinking up names for things.
NARR: See Adam name the animals.
ADAM: Is that what these things are called? Okay. That's a dog, that's a zebra, that's a porcupine, that's a wallaby, that's a hippo, and that's a... oh I dunno, a giraffe?
NARR: See Adam name more animals.
ADAM: Monkey, tiger, chicken, frog, lizard, snake, turtle...
NARR: And even more animals!
ADAM: Really? Okay, then. Cricket, wombat, alligator, polar bear, manatee, can I PLEASE stop now?
NARR: See Adam enjoy the fruits of creation.
Toss a banana to Adam from off stage.
ADAM: Hey, what's this?
Adam bites the banana through the skin and spits it out.
ADAM: Yuck! Hmm, well, if it's not food, what is it?
Adam sticks the top of the banana in his ear and scratches. He sighs in relief.
ADAM: Ohhhh that is nice.
NARR: See Adam meet God's final creation, Eve!
Eve enters.
EVE: Hi there, cutie! Wanna give me a name?
ADAM: Whoa! Man! Woman!
NARR: See Adam and Eve's paradise destroyed by the most vile, the most evil, the most bad, the most cruel, the most--
The Snake - either someone in a snake mask or a snake puppet - enters.
SNAKE: Okay, okay, we get the idea, I'm more evil than Darth Vader. We get it.
EVE: Look, Adam, our friend the snake is in the tree with the forbidden fruit.
SNAKE: You know why this fruit is forbidden? Because it's too good!
EVE: I wanna try some!
ADAM: Me too!
The Snake gives Adam and Eve the apple. They both take a bite.
NARR: See Adam and Eve get evicted!
Adam and Eve cower in fear.
GOD: (off stage) Adam, Eve, since you disobeyed me, you must leave the Garden! Your sin has separated you from me... forever!
ADAM: We're so sorry, God!
EVE: We are so very sorry!
SNAKE: I'm not!
GOD: You get out of here too!
SNAKE: Yipe! Yipe! Yipe!
The Snake exits.
NARR: See it all in a theater near you, when you see... The Bible!
ADAM: Wait, that's it? That's all the movie's gonna show?
EVE: That's not a happy ending! I want a happy ending!
NARR: That's not all. That's only the beginning. But we have to save something for the sequel.
ADAM: A sequel. Boy, I'm getting tired of people breaking books up into two movies.
EVE: Tell me about it!
A Monopoly board game
Does anyone here know how you start a game of Monopoly? Would someone like to give us a demonstration?
Have one or two of the kids come up, set up the board, and explain how you decide who goes first. Go as far as letting the first kid take a full turn, if time allows.
Every game has a beginning. So does every story, whether it's a movie, a TV show, or a book. Even comic book heroes with their never-ending sagas have origin stories to tell us how the big story actually began.
The Creation story isn't just the beginning of a great book. It's the beginning of our story. God created this world and everything in it. He created a man and a woman in His image, and He put them in charge. Then that man and woman rebelled against the one who created them. They were separated from God because of their sin, and they were sentenced to die.
The Creation story tells us we have a problem - we are sinners, separated from the Creator who loves us. But this is just the beginning of the story, and this story can have a happy ending for all of us. In the next few weeks, we'll see that God has a plan to save us, and we'll learn how God fulfilled that plan through His son, Jesus.
Bubble gum
Choose five contestants who can blow a bubble with bubble gum. Give each a piece. On your signal, have all five kids put their gum in their mouth and chew. The first to blow a bubble is the winner.
An easier bubble game for younger kids is to give two kids a chance to blow as many bubbles as they can with a bottle of bubbles and a bubble wand. Give each kid 30 seconds and count all the bubbles they blow. Whomever gets the most is the winner.
We are all sinners in need of a Savior.
Kids will learn that God created the world and that man was separated from God because of sin.
Genesis 3. The Fall.
Every great movie - and even some not-so-great movies - has one thing in common. They all have a great beginning, something big and exciting to draw you into the story. James Bond movies always begin with a lot of action. Cartoons begin with something big and funny. And scary movies like to make you jump out of your seat before the movie even begins.
The beginning of any story has to do two things. First, it has to tell you the who, when, where, what, and why. Who is the story about? When and where does it take place? What do the characters want, and why do they want it? If you can answer those questions successfully, you can fulfill the second purpose of the story's beginning - to make the audience or the reader care so they want to see what happens next.
Today we're starting a movie-themed series that will look at the Bible. The Bible has a beginning like every other story you'll read or see. But this beginning isn't like other beginnings. It has a who, when, where, what and why, but it also tells us something more. It tells us who we are, what we need, and why we need it.
The when is the very beginning. The where is Earth, the world in which we live. The who is two people - Adam and Eve. God created them in His image and placed them in the Garden of Eden. They had no whats because there was nothing for them to want. They had God, they had food, and they had a paradise for a home. But then the serpent entered the story, and everything changed.
Genesis 3
One of the biggest questions in the whole Bible is why did Adam and Eve disobey God? They had everything. There was nothing they lacked or needed. But when the serpent told them they could be like God, they took the forbidden fruit - something that did not belong to them.
That's what sin is. It's taking what doesn't belong to us. It's putting our selfish desires ahead of God and others. God made Adam and Eve number two only to Him. He wanted Adam and Eve to be content with that. But the serpent convinced them to take something that wasn't theirs. When they took the forbidden fruit, Adam and Eve sinned. Their sin separated them from God.
Their sin did one more thing - it separated us from God. We are all sinners because we are the children of Adam and Eve. We are all born separated from God!
Adam and Eve's story isn't a story of two people who lived long ago. It's the story of us. We sin when we take something that doesn't belong to us. We sin when we disobey Mom and Dad. We sin when we do something we were told not to do, and we sin when we lie to protect ourselves from getting into trouble. Any time we put our desires ahead of obeying God, obeying our parents, or loving others, we are sinning, just like Adam and Eve.
This would be a tragic ending for our story, but thanks be to God, we are far from the end. You see right from the beginning, God had a plan. He had plans to save us from sin and to reunite us with Him. In the next several weeks we will see that plan unfold, and we will discover we can all have a happy ending if we put our faith in Jesus.
But first things first. In the beginning, God created the world. Adam and Eve sinned, and they separated themselves, and us, from God. Our story starts off with a tragic beginning, but we are nowhere near the end. This is just the beginning!
Dear God,
Thank you for giving us the Bible so we can know who we are and who you are. Thank you for loving us enough to send your Son to save us from sin. We love you, and we thank you for your love.
In Jesus' name,
How does your favorite movie begin?
Psalm 119:105
Ask the kids what they think the writer was trying to say when he wrote these words. Then ask them how this verse is connected to today’s story.
Bring in a sampling of some unusual fruit - kiwi, star fruit, ugli fruit, etc. - and let the kids sample some of these. Would you have any trouble avoiding these fruits if they were forbidden?
Read Genesis 3
Who created Adam and Eve?
What was the one thing Adam and Eve were told not to do?
What did the serpent say would happen if they ate the forbidden fruit?
What is sin?
What does the story of Adam and Eve teach us about ourselves?
Dear God,
Thank you for creation, and thank you for loving us. Forgive us our sins, and teach us how to live for you and not ourselves.
In Jesus' name,
How does your favorite movie begin?
Psalm 119:105
Ask the kids what they think the writer was trying to say when he wrote these words. Then ask them how this verse is connected to today’s story.
Have the kids act out the story of Adam, Eve, and the serpent. (Let them use puppets, if available!)
Read Genesis 3
What did the serpent tell Adam and Eve the forbidden fruit would do for them?
Why did Adam and Eve eat the forbidden fruit?
What is sin?
Why does sin separate us from God?
Spoiler alert: Does anyone know how this story ends? What did God do to free us from sin?
Dear God,
Thank you for creation, and thank you for loving us. Forgive us our sins, and teach us how to live for you and not ourselves.
In Jesus' name,
For your convenience, you can also download the entire PDF version of this The Fall Children's Ministry Lesson (just click the link).
Here's a video from Saddleback kids that you might find helpful to go along with your Sunday School Lesson on The Fall.
Take a look at the links below for other ideas for teaching a Sunday School Lesson on the Fall:
Adam & Eve Disobey God (Fall of Man Bible Lesson For Kids)
Fall Sunday School Lessons - Pinterest
Free Fall Sunday School Lessons|Preschool Toddler Kids